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Believe in yourself. You are your biggest advocate in this journey of life. When the chips are down and the world stands against you… you still have you. Be proud of who you are. If you cannot be proud of who you are then become that person. You are worth every bit of your time. Never let anyone take that away. Let go of the world but never let go of yourself. Always believe in yourself.

2 thoughts on “Believe

    Suzyqqq said:
    January 22, 2016 at 9:33 am

    Belief in oneself is an intrinsic striving. As a tree has roots, from which it’s branches and trunk are able to be, flowers their scent so that nature is drawn to it, so that the purpose is fulfilled by that scent. Our beliefs in ourselves bring forth belief in others, allow it, encourage it and though the world may indeed turn, our belief does not. To believe in oneself actually is the impetus that brings, returns our ability to believe in others. It is symbiotic in ways, but regardless of this system, I think it is beautiful. “If we are not for ourselves, who will be for us, If we are only for ourselves what are we, If not now, when? Hillel
    Sincerely, Susy

    Liked by 2 people

    mindyourwings said:
    January 23, 2016 at 3:04 am

    Thank you… just needed to read this 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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